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nnedpro-iane Australia
New Zealand
regional Network


The NNEdPro-IANE ANZ Regional Network is a collaboration of health care professionals, including dietitians, doctors, academics, medical and health care educators, researchers, students, and professional associations in Australia and New Zealand. The aim of the Network is to strengthen the nutrition education and competence of healthcare professionals in Australia and New Zealand through innovation in research and education.

Key Tasks

The ANZ network has been contributing to a number of educational activities initiated by the Australasian Society of Lifestyle Medicine

To provide a collaborative space for nutrition education and research in ANZ.

To identify gaps and opportunities in nutrition education and facilitate collaborations and research to fill these gaps

To provide advice and develop nutrition education resources appropriate for community and educational organisations to increase nutritional knowledge

Key Themes


To promote awareness of the importance of community-wide nutrition education particularly to health care professionals

Capacity Building

To support the sharing of knowledge and resources for nutrition advocacy in education and research across ANZ


To investigate opportunities for developing and delivering nutrition education, including resources


To learn more about the ANZ network and the work going on, please browse through the following Complete Nutrition Articles about the network. 

Steering Committee

Interested Parties at the time of Establishment


Abdullah Mawas

Caryl Nowson

Clare Wall

Emily Ng

Esther Appiah-Yeboah

Francesca Amitrano

Gary Williamson

Helen Truby

Hung Nguyen Ngoc

Jack Bell

Jennifer Crowley

Jimmy Chun Yu Louie

Judy Bauer

Julia McCartan

Karen Charlton

Lisa Moran

Melissa Adamski

​Nouira Mohamed Salah

Paul Newnham

Roberta Asher

Simone Gibson

Shakila Banu

Shane McAuliffe

Stuart Thomas

Tracy McCaffrey

Vijay Koul

The Regional Networks are overseen by Advisory and Facilitation Panels.

Terms of referencE

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