Nnedpro-iane CANADA
regional Network

Launched on December 1, 2020, the NNEdPro-IANE Canada Regional Network is a collaboration of dietitians, doctors, academics, medical and health care educators, and professional associations in Canada. Check out the agenda here.
Key Aims
Facilitate the spread and scale of existing nutrition knowledge, experiences, standards, and evidence-informed interventions across Canada and internationally.
Network with and provide connections between organizations and individuals with similar interests and expertise.
Develop research questions at the intersection of nutrition, health, education, and environment in line with the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals
Facilitate the spread and scale of existing ways to empower underserved communities and diverse populations in nutrition and health.
Support the strengthening of nutrition competence and confidence in the healthcare workforce through education and training opportunities.
Steering committee

Network Co-Lead

Network Co-Lead

Abdullah Mawas
Alice Benskin
Andre Laperriere
Andrea Grantham
Esther Appiah-Yeboah
Fareeha Quayyum
Halima Jama
Heather Keller
Janice Man
Jaroslav Guzanič
Jessica John
Jordyn Stafford
Justine Keathley
Kaitlyn Shannon
Karen Fleming
Katherine Ford
Leah Gramlich
Marjorie Lima do Vale
Ngozi Rosemary Bukola-Ajetunmobi
Nouira Mohamed Salah
Patricia Mogrovejo
Paula Littlejohn
Rim Mouhaffel
Rose Hastreiter
Sandra Rosier
Shirin Panahi
Shivani Bhat
Souzana Ioakeimidou
Suruchi Tiwari
Ulrich Kotomale
Zola Ndondita
The Regional Networks are overseen by Advisory and Facilitation Panels.